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24 Nov 2022
How You Can Lay SOD Over An Existing Lawn

How You Can Lay SOD Over An Existing Lawn

Have you ever gazed through a window and seen a yard full of brown, patchy grass? It can be so frustrating! One way to fix this is to lay SOD over your existing lawn. SOD is made up of grass plants that are already established to give your yard an instant makeover. Follow these steps to lay SOD over your lawn for a lavish yard.

Unsurprisingly, people are always looking for a shortcut to building new grass. It makes perfect sense to cut your grass short and put up new SOD directly over it. Many believe the existing lawn will expire and supply nutrients for the new SOD, but this is not true.

Read: When To Cut New Sod? Tips and Tricks

Why You Should Not Install New SOD Over Existing Grass

Beware if you’re thinking of giving your lawn a fresh start by laying down some new SOD! You may think that dumping a new layer of grass on top of your old lawn will save you time and effort, but in reality, you’re setting yourself up for failure.

The roots of your new SOD will have difficulty penetrating the existing turf to reach the soil bed below.

In addition, once the new SOD you laid on over your old lawn has perished, you will need to remove both layers of SOD before you can plant any new grass because there will be no room for it to take root.

Also, old weeds may resurface after being covered by the new SOD. In addition, your new SOD won’t look as good if installed over existing grass. The existing grass will stick up through the new SOD, making it look patchy and uneven.

It’s far better to do the job right first by starting from scratch. So before laying down that new SOD, ensure you’ve removed all traces of the old lawn. You will only give your grass a fighting chance to take root and thrive.

Read: Tips to Take Care of Your New SOD after Installation

How To Remove The Existing Grass

We’ll review how to remove existing grass to make way for new SOD properly.

  • Get rid of the grass that’s already there. If the old turf is not too thick, you should be able to accomplish this job with just raking and a rototiller. You should utilize a SOD blade to pick up the older grass in sections if the older grass is denser or if you are replacing a huge portion of the lawn.
  • After you’ve finished cutting the old grass in a certain area, dig up just over one inch of the soil there.
  • Be sure to get rid of any rocks, roots, or other debris that could impede the growth of your new SOD.

By taking these steps, you’ll lay the foundation for a healthy and vibrant lawn. New SOD has a better chance of taking root and thriving when it’s properly prepared for.

Preparing The Soil For A New SOD

Now you’re looking to spruce up your yard with new SOD, and the first step is to prepare the soil.

  • You’ll want to start by tilling the leftover dirt to loosen up and break up any large lumps.
  • Level the soil for a flat appearance with no rough places.
  • Apply a thin layer of topsoil to the soil to add some additional nutrients.
  • Finally, lightly water the soil to moisten it before you lay down the SOD.

Now you can ensure that your new SOD will have a strong base and be able to bloom in your yard.

Read: 6 Basic Tips to fix Grass in Heavy Traffic Areas

How You Can Lay SOD Over An Existing Lawn

How To Lay SOD

Here are a few steps which you need to do to prepare the ground.

  • Ensure a debris free soil and loosen it for the roots to take hold.
  • Roll out the SOD in strips, carefully flushing it against the existing grass with no gaps between the strips.
  • Once the entire section is covered, trim any remaining SOD with a sharp knife or tool.

Read: Hardscape Installation: How to make steps and paths?

6 Tips For SOD Aftercare

After installing your new SOD, you can do a few things to help it take root and flourish.

1. Minimum Foot Traffic

First, try to keep foot traffic to a minimum. SOD is very delicate when newly installed, so it is vital to adjust it properly.

2. Water Regularly

Depending on the weather and the type of SOD you have, you may need to water every day or every other day. You must ensure that your SOD is not drying out by checking it very frequently at different times.

3. Fertilize Regularly

Another important step in taking care of your SOD is regularly fertilizing it. You should start fertilizing your SOD when it is installed and then continue to fertilize it every few weeks throughout the growing season.

4. Mow Regularly

Mowing your SOD when it grows about 3 inches regularly is also important for its health. You can use a sharp mower to avoid grass damage.

5. Overseed Yearly

Overseeding your lawn each year will help to keep it thick and lush. It helps to fill in any bare spots that may have developed over the year, and it also helps to improve the overall health of the grass.

6. Remove Debris Regularly

Debris, such as leaves, twigs, and stones, can damage your SOD if not removed regularly. Be sure to rake up any debris accumulated on your lawn and remove any stones or other objects that could damage the grass blades.

Read: Types Of Paving Slabs With Pros & Cons | DIY Installation

Final Words

If you’re considering whether to lay new SOD over your existing grass, don’t. The results will be disastrous, and you’ll have to remove all the SOD and start from scratch anyway.

Save yourself the hassle and do it right the first time by removing your old grass before installing new SOD.

If you require any assistance to remove your old grass or install new SOD, call Deo Landscaping in Vancouver, Richmond and Surrey, BC. We would be happy to assist you and ensure that your lawn is healthy and green all year round.

Read: Discover Best Interlocking Brick Pavers Installation Ideas

21 Nov 2022
How to Care for new SOD Follow Tips DEO Landscaping

Tips to Take Care of Your New SOD after Installation

Are you a new homeowner who recently had SOD installed? If so, you’re likely excited to see your lawn turn green! However, before you can start enjoying your new SOD, there are a few things you need to do to take care of it. This post will share tips on taking care of your new SOD and helping it thrive.

Why Should You Do It?

Your lawn is a reflection of your style. But more importantly, your lawn is a living thing – it needs care and attention to stay healthy.

It’s a complex ecosystem that provides food and shelter for wildlife, help to regulate water and soil erosion, and can even improve your mental health.

Despite its importance, many people take their lawns for granted. They need to water or fertilize, allow weeds to take over, and don’t think twice about running the mower over delicate flower beds.

As a result, they end up with a barren plot of land that does nothing but add to their stress levels. So if you want to create a haven for yourself, it’s time to start taking care of your lawn.

Water The Soil Before The SOD Installation

When it comes to laying SOD, timing is everything. If you lay the SOD during the heat of the day, the soil will quickly absorb all the water, and your efforts will be wasted.

It’s best to wait until the evening or morning hours when the earth is cooler and moisture is more likely to stay in place.

Additionally, make sure to hydrate the soil before laying the SOD. This will help the new roots take a stronghold.

Thoroughly Water The Lawn After The SOD Installation

Lay down the grass and immediately give it a good soaking for about twenty minutes twice a day. This will give your lawn six inches of water per cycle.

Check for dry spots and use a handheld sprayer to reach areas your sprinklers might not cover.

For the first 14 weeks, your lawn needs the most water. Avoid walking on your new lawn for the first two weeks or until you’ve cut it for the first time.

Use Of A Lawn Roller

You’ve just installed new SOD in your yard, which looks fantastic. To keep it looking that way, you must take care of it properly. The use of lawn rollers helps to compact the soil, which helps the roots to take hold.

They can also assist in removing any bumps or depressions in the surface of the SOD. Rolling your lawn also helps to remove any air pockets that may have formed beneath the SOD during installation.

By compacting the soil and removing air pockets, lawn rollers provide essential support for new SOD while helping ensure a smooth surface.

Help Roots Grow

After you’ve unrolled your new SOD and given it a good watering, it’s time to think about fertilizer. Fertilizer helps roots grow strong and gives the SOD the nutrients it needs to return to normal after being unrolled.

A month after you put in the plants, look for granular starter fertilizer with the number 18-24-12 written on it. If you want a natural solution, ask the staff at a garden center what you can do for your type of lawn.

No matter what you decide, remember how important this step is for your lawn. Your new lawn will only be able to grow strong roots if it gets enough nutrients.

How And When To Mow

You should wait at least 2-3 weeks after installing SOD before mowing for the first time to establish themselves in the soil.

And, when you are mowing the grass, ensure it is dry to prevent the blades from breaking. You should also set the blade to a higher setting, as you don’t want to cut the grass too short.

After the first mowing, you can lower the blade and mow as needed. It’s also essential to sharpen the blades on your mower to stop damage to the grass.

You can sharpen the blades yourself or take them to a professional. If you sharpen them yourself, use a sharpening stone made for lawnmower blades.

Most experts say that you should mow your lawn every week during the growth period. And for cutting height, you should take extra care. Start by cutting only a third of the grass blade, then gradually increase the cutting height over time.

Pest Control

Establishing a new lawn takes work, but once it’s done, you want to ensure it stays healthy and weed-free. The best time to apply your first weed control product is after your lawn has been mowed four times and appears lush and healthy.

Look for a product specifically designed for your lawn type and growing zone – your garden center can help you find the right one. Once you’ve applied the weed control, give your lawn a few weeks to recover (four to five more mowings) before applying any pest controls you may require.

To Sum It Up

All left is to take care of your SOD and enjoy your new, green lawn! With the right care, your SOD will stay healthy for years to come. For all your lawn care, gardening, and landscaping needs, call Deo Landscaping in Vancouver, Richmond, and Surrey, BC. We specialize in SOD installation and maintenance and would be happy to help you achieve the lawn of your dreams!


Do I need to fertilize the new SOD?

You should fertilize the new SOD with a starter fertilizer, which is unnecessary.

For how long must one wait for new SOD to grow?

New SOD generally takes about two to four weeks to root.

How long should new SOD be watered?

New SOD should be watered for about 15-20 minutes twice a day for the first two weeks, then slowly taper off to once a day.

How much water should I give the new SOD?

Watering newly-installed SOD is crucial for the grass to take root and grow. Give the SOD about 1 inch of water per week for the first two weeks, then increase the amount to 1.5 inches per week.

22 Mar 2022
How to fix high traffic grass Deo Landscaping in Surrey BC

6 Basic Tips to fix Grass in Heavy Traffic Areas

Looking for a reliable and experienced landscaping company in Surrey, BC? Look no further than Deo Landscaping! We provide full-service landscaping to residential and commercial clients in the area, and our team of experts has the knowledge and expertise to handle any landscaping project you may have.

So, we are dedicated to providing our clients with quality workmanship and excellent customer service. Contact us today for a free consultation!

Deo Professional Team Provides Landscaping services in Vancouver, Richmond, and Surrey, BC. 

Read: When To Cut New Sod? Tips and Tricks

How to fix high traffic grass

The grass is a beautiful addition to any landscape, but it can become damaged when it receives too much traffic. If your grass receives more traffic than it can handle, don’t worry – we have some tips for you!

As anyone who has ever had a lawn knows, the grass is not indestructible. In fact, it’s quite the opposite – the grass is quite delicate and can easily be damaged by too much traffic.

So, what can you do if your grass receives too much traffic? Below, we will outline a few tips to help get your grass back to its healthy state.

Read: Tips to Take Care of Your New SOD after Installation

What Damages a High Traffic Lawn?

A few things can damage a lawn that sees a lot of foot traffic. First and foremost, compaction is a major issue.

Compaction occurs when the soil is packed down too tightly. In addition to compaction, excessive traffic can also cause the grass to develop thatch.

We know a mat of dead grass that grows between the living grass blades and the earth known as thatch. It can inhibit water and air from reaching the roots, which can cause the grass to die.

Another problem that can happen on high-traffic lawns is that the plants and roots can get damaged. Heavy traffic can wear away at the turf and lift the roots out of the ground.

The grass becomes much more susceptible to drought when the roots are no longer anchored in the soil.

Read: 6 Basic Tips to fix Grass in Heavy Traffic Areas

Best Turf for a High Traffic Lawn

If you have a high-traffic lawn, it’s important to choose the right type of turf. Some grasses are more resistant to wear and tear than others. Here are a few of the best grasses for a high-traffic lawn:

  1. Kentucky bluegrass

This grass is one of the most popular types for home lawns. It’s known for its dense growth and resistance to wear.

  1. Bermuda grass

Bermuda grass is a tough, heat-tolerant grass that can withstand a lot of traffic. It’s also drought-tolerant, so it’s a good choice for dry climates.

  1. Fescue grass

The growth of this type of grass is better in shaded areas. It’s resistant to wear and tear, and it doesn’t need a lot of water or fertilisation.

When you’re choosing grass for a high-traffic lawn, it’s important to consider your climate and the amount of sun and shade in your yard.

You should also consider how much water and maintenance you’re prepared to give. You may discover the ideal grass for your needs with a little study.

Read: Hardscape Installation: How to make steps and paths?

6 Basic Tips for Repairing Grass in Heavy Traffic Areas

If you have a high-traffic lawn, there are a few things you can do to keep it healthy and looking its best.

  • Choose the right type of grass

Some grasses are more resistant to wear and tear than others. Kentucky bluegrass, Bermuda grass, and Fescue grass are all good choices for a high-traffic lawn. In short, they are all hardy and compact-resistant, which will help your grass stay healthy.

  • Prevent compaction

Compaction occurs when the soil is compressed, which prevents air and water from reaching the grass roots. This can lead to brown patches, bare spots, and even death of the grass. To prevent compaction, aerate your lawn regularly and use light-weight lawn equipment.

  • Mow high

If you mow your lawn too short, it will be damaged and more prone to infestation. When you’re mowing a high-traffic lawn, raise the height of your mower blades to at least 3 inches.

  • Fertilise

Grass fertilisation will give it the nutrition it requires to stay healthy and green. Select a pesticide that is made for grass with a lot of foot traffic.

  • Avoid wet grass

You should avoid mowing your grass when it is not dry. Wet grass is more likely to clump and stick to your mower’s blades, which can lead to compaction. Use a rotating mower with sharp blades if you have to mow when the grass is damp. This will aid in the reduction of clustering.

  • Water

Grass requires water to thrive, so water your grass regularly, particularly in summer and dry season.

Read: Types Of Paving Slabs With Pros & Cons | DIY Installation

Alternative Solutions for High-Traffic Lawns

If you don’t want to (or can’t) switch to a different type of grass, you can do a few things to help protect your existing lawn.

  • Install a walking path

One way to reduce the amount of foot traffic on your lawn is to install a walking path. In this way, people can walk in your lawn and the grass will also not be damaged.

  • Use ground cover

Ground cover is a type of plant that grows low to the ground and spreads quickly. It’s a good option for high-traffic areas because it’s durable and can withstand a lot of foot traffic.

  • Install a synthetic turf

If you’re concerned about your lawn’s health, you can install a synthetic turf. This is a good option for people who have a high-traffic lawn and don’t want to worry about the upkeep of a real lawn.

To sum it up

In conclusion, we can say that maintaining your lawn is a daunting task. However, it can be an easy fix with the right tools and knowledge. Follow these suggestions to keep your grass looking good all year. Have you tested any of these ideas on your home? Let us know!

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Q: How to grow grass in high traffic dog areas?

A: You can either use a hard surface like gravel or pavers, or you can use sod. If you use a hard surface, make sure it has good drainage. If you use sod, make sure to keep it well watered and fertilised.

Q: How to fix a destroyed lawn?

A: It is only damaged. If the lawn is in a small area, you can try to fix it yourself. You may need to hire a professional if the damage is more widespread. First, remove any damaged or dead grass. Then, loosen the soil and add compost or manure. Finally, reseed the area. Make sure to water it well and keep it free of weeds.

Q: Why is my grass dying?

A: There are many possible reasons why your grass might be dying. It could be due to pests, disease, poor drainage, lack of sunlight, or over-fertilisation. If you are unsure what is causing the problem, you should consult Deo landscaping in Surrey, BC.

06 Aug 2021
Why The Landscaper Is The Best For Business, Contact Us

Why The Landscaper Is The Best For Business?

Why The Landscaper Is The Best For Business: The Landscaper is a premium WordPress theme designed specifically for lawn, landscaping, and gardening businesses. We’ve done extensive research so we know what your company needs. The theme is very easy to set up and use. Demo content is imported with a single click so you can immediately start editing your website.


04 Aug 2021
Full time (+50 hours per week) Landscapers Job

Full time (+50 hours per week) Landscapers Job | Deo Landscaping

Full time (+50 hours per week) Landscapers Job | Are you a top producer who is looking to show your landscaping skills to us and be fairly rewarded? Are you able to manage job sites and read landscape drawings? At The Landscaper, we offer Full Time, Year Round employment, a Shared benefit package, Excellent work environment.

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01 Aug 2021
Ideas for Landscaping Property Lines Deo Landscaping

10 Ideas for Landscaping Property Lines | Deo Landscaping

Ideas for Landscaping Property Lines | What is it that you’re hoping to accomplish in landscaping your property line? Once you answer that over-arching question, many of the details will fall into place (with a little aid from the ideas I present here). As you’ll see from reading the information below, deciding on how to landscape a boundary largely comes down to sifting through your various options.

Sod Installation in Surrey, British Colombia | Deo Landscaping


31 Jul 2021
What You Can Grow In Shady Spaces Deo Landscaping, About Us

What You Can Grow In Shady Spaces | Deo Landscaping

What You Can Grow In Shady Spaces | All shade is not equal. Some shady conditions will yield much more produce than others will, while some areas are better left for hostas and moss. Gardeners should be familiar with the different types of shade, but should also keep in mind that measuring how much shade your garden gets isn’t always easy.

The grass is always greener on your side of the fence


30 Jul 2021
How to Get Rid of Crabgrass for Good

How to Get Rid of Crabgrass for Good | Deo Landscaping

How to Get Rid of Crabgrass for Good | The best weapon you have against this annual weed is crabgrass preemergence herbicide (also called crabgrass preventer). You apply this product in the spring before the crabgrass seed sprouts. So This granular herbicide works by creating a chemical barrier at the surface of the soil. As the seeds begin germination, they take in the herbicide and die.

Sod Installation in Surrey, British Colombia | Deo Landscaping