Looking for a reliable and experienced landscaping company in Surrey, BC? Look no further than Deo Landscaping! We provide full-service landscaping to residential and commercial clients in the area, and our team of experts has the knowledge and expertise to handle any landscaping project you may have.

So, we are dedicated to providing our clients with quality workmanship and excellent customer service. Contact us today for a free consultation!

Deo Professional Team Provides Landscaping services in Vancouver, Richmond, and Surrey, BC. 

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How to fix high traffic grass

The grass is a beautiful addition to any landscape, but it can become damaged when it receives too much traffic. If your grass receives more traffic than it can handle, don’t worry – we have some tips for you!

As anyone who has ever had a lawn knows, the grass is not indestructible. In fact, it’s quite the opposite – the grass is quite delicate and can easily be damaged by too much traffic.

So, what can you do if your grass receives too much traffic? Below, we will outline a few tips to help get your grass back to its healthy state.

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What Damages a High Traffic Lawn?

A few things can damage a lawn that sees a lot of foot traffic. First and foremost, compaction is a major issue.

Compaction occurs when the soil is packed down too tightly. In addition to compaction, excessive traffic can also cause the grass to develop thatch.

We know a mat of dead grass that grows between the living grass blades and the earth known as thatch. It can inhibit water and air from reaching the roots, which can cause the grass to die.

Another problem that can happen on high-traffic lawns is that the plants and roots can get damaged. Heavy traffic can wear away at the turf and lift the roots out of the ground.

The grass becomes much more susceptible to drought when the roots are no longer anchored in the soil.

Read: 6 Basic Tips to fix Grass in Heavy Traffic Areas

Best Turf for a High Traffic Lawn

If you have a high-traffic lawn, it’s important to choose the right type of turf. Some grasses are more resistant to wear and tear than others. Here are a few of the best grasses for a high-traffic lawn:

  1. Kentucky bluegrass

This grass is one of the most popular types for home lawns. It’s known for its dense growth and resistance to wear.

  1. Bermuda grass

Bermuda grass is a tough, heat-tolerant grass that can withstand a lot of traffic. It’s also drought-tolerant, so it’s a good choice for dry climates.

  1. Fescue grass

The growth of this type of grass is better in shaded areas. It’s resistant to wear and tear, and it doesn’t need a lot of water or fertilisation.

When you’re choosing grass for a high-traffic lawn, it’s important to consider your climate and the amount of sun and shade in your yard.

You should also consider how much water and maintenance you’re prepared to give. You may discover the ideal grass for your needs with a little study.

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6 Basic Tips for Repairing Grass in Heavy Traffic Areas

If you have a high-traffic lawn, there are a few things you can do to keep it healthy and looking its best.

  • Choose the right type of grass

Some grasses are more resistant to wear and tear than others. Kentucky bluegrass, Bermuda grass, and Fescue grass are all good choices for a high-traffic lawn. In short, they are all hardy and compact-resistant, which will help your grass stay healthy.

  • Prevent compaction

Compaction occurs when the soil is compressed, which prevents air and water from reaching the grass roots. This can lead to brown patches, bare spots, and even death of the grass. To prevent compaction, aerate your lawn regularly and use light-weight lawn equipment.

  • Mow high

If you mow your lawn too short, it will be damaged and more prone to infestation. When you’re mowing a high-traffic lawn, raise the height of your mower blades to at least 3 inches.

  • Fertilise

Grass fertilisation will give it the nutrition it requires to stay healthy and green. Select a pesticide that is made for grass with a lot of foot traffic.

  • Avoid wet grass

You should avoid mowing your grass when it is not dry. Wet grass is more likely to clump and stick to your mower’s blades, which can lead to compaction. Use a rotating mower with sharp blades if you have to mow when the grass is damp. This will aid in the reduction of clustering.

  • Water

Grass requires water to thrive, so water your grass regularly, particularly in summer and dry season.

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Alternative Solutions for High-Traffic Lawns

If you don’t want to (or can’t) switch to a different type of grass, you can do a few things to help protect your existing lawn.

  • Install a walking path

One way to reduce the amount of foot traffic on your lawn is to install a walking path. In this way, people can walk in your lawn and the grass will also not be damaged.

  • Use ground cover

Ground cover is a type of plant that grows low to the ground and spreads quickly. It’s a good option for high-traffic areas because it’s durable and can withstand a lot of foot traffic.

  • Install a synthetic turf

If you’re concerned about your lawn’s health, you can install a synthetic turf. This is a good option for people who have a high-traffic lawn and don’t want to worry about the upkeep of a real lawn.

To sum it up

In conclusion, we can say that maintaining your lawn is a daunting task. However, it can be an easy fix with the right tools and knowledge. Follow these suggestions to keep your grass looking good all year. Have you tested any of these ideas on your home? Let us know!

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Q: How to grow grass in high traffic dog areas?

A: You can either use a hard surface like gravel or pavers, or you can use sod. If you use a hard surface, make sure it has good drainage. If you use sod, make sure to keep it well watered and fertilised.

Q: How to fix a destroyed lawn?

A: It is only damaged. If the lawn is in a small area, you can try to fix it yourself. You may need to hire a professional if the damage is more widespread. First, remove any damaged or dead grass. Then, loosen the soil and add compost or manure. Finally, reseed the area. Make sure to water it well and keep it free of weeds.

Q: Why is my grass dying?

A: There are many possible reasons why your grass might be dying. It could be due to pests, disease, poor drainage, lack of sunlight, or over-fertilisation. If you are unsure what is causing the problem, you should consult Deo landscaping in Surrey, BC.